Online dance & yoga
for kids
Movement, play and joy
One video per week, available for the whole week.
The sessions are built on each other.
Through MotiBro, you can take the entire course online from applying to payment.
From anywhere in the world
Flexible schedule
Beautiful quality videos recorded in a studio environment
Please note that the courses are in Hungarian!
Kindergarten dance
For 3-6 year olds
Two separate six week courses
A fabulous dance session with playful tasks
School preparatory and movement development exercises
Foundation of dance technique
Playfully, positively, with the love
You can only apply for the second six times after completing the first six.
School dance and additional training
For 7-12-year-olds
Eight week course
Dance with playful tasks
Muscle and endurance development
Strengthening and stretching
Movement and Dance Technology Development
It gives stand, strength and nice movement
Synchronized swimmer, gymnast, dancer
additional training